Seikatsu - Death and Live VR 360 immersive experience

Fair ☬ Expo Vr ☬ Booth 360 ☬ organized by escape01010101 in which I had the pleasure to participate with more artists where each one mounted his work based on the immersive experience of VR 360. Artists

༒Parzubanil @parzubanil ༒Eoz @eoz**_** ༒Lazloh @ihatelazloh ༒Matellini Station @izqvierdo ༒A$$ter ༒N3T4 @n3t4_ ༒Soft Mamma @soft.mamma 🎤 Host of the night: @gretelwarmicha

Event Flyer

Seikatsu - Death and Live VR 360 inject meta data

You can iteract by moving your mobile or camera controls once you click full screen enjoy the experience and music.

Thanks for watching.

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